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Do you have plans to fibre St Mary’s or Mitchell or Sebringville or any other town in close proximity to Stratford?

At this time, we do not have any plans for any adjacent towns as our resources are committed to the fibre construction project in Stratford. As we progress through the project we will start to plan for our next town.

The small section of downtown Stratford that is not part of our existing plans will be a separate project that is still in development. Given the density of the downtown and difficulty of burying fibre up and down these main streets, our solution for the downtown core will need to be a combination of fibre and wireless.

While construction plans are still being finalized, we will be providing fibre to the whole city, with the exception of the down-town core (at this time).

Wightman will be your service provider and all questions about the project, the services, timing, and pricing can be answered by Wightman through the contact details below. Rhyzome is providing some of the fibre backbone to allow us to get around the town to deliver the service quickly. They will pass you over to us to answer any of your enquiries.

Our construction project will occur in several stages, and this information will be available on our website or by visiting our store. Also, when we have plans to come down your street, we will advise each home and business in the area with a construction letter and information brought to your door. You won’t be able to miss us!

Check out the latest Stratford Fibre to the Home construction updates on our blog.

Construction is well underway and homes are now being installed with Wightman Fibre to the Home.

Yes! There are some great reasons to sign up for Fibre to the Home now. If you sign up now, your price will be locked in based on our current prices. That could mean signing up today, you would lock in to our 2018 rates, even if you don’t get connected until 2020. You will continue to enjoy the price through 2023. Signing up today also allows you to move your internet and/or phone service over to Wightman now, and start to enjoy the experience of being a Wightman customer. Knowing where the most interest is also influences our fibre design.