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How To Conference With Your Phone

Your passcodes are already set up and you are able to use them at anytime as they are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means you now have the freedom to conduct conference calls with no restriction to the day, time, duration or size of your audio conference…reservation free.

For your security, never provide your moderator passcode to anyone and never borrow someone else’s participant passcode.

Audio Conferencing User Controls

*0Reach Operator
*1Access the Help Menu
*6Mute/Unmute Self

Audio Conferencing User Controls

*0Reach Operator
*22Record Call
*91Hear a Participant Count
*94Lock/Unlock Conference
*96Mute All Participants
*97Unmute All Participants

Audio Conferencing Tips

Before the call…

During the call…

Long Distance Plans

With Wightman phone service you can make long distance calls for as low as 2 cents/min. anywhere in Canada or the U.S., anytime.


Standard Unbundled Rate: Standard Unbundled Rate for long distance 24/7/365, anywhere in Canada & the U.S.

$0.04 / Minute

Standard Bundled Rate: 24/7/365, anywhere in Canada & the U.S.

$0.02 / Minute

Unlimited Canada / US

$29.95 / Month

International Plan: Save up to 20% off standard international rates
See International Long Distance Rates Here

$1.95 / Month