We are pleased to bring fibre optics communications technology to areas across Southern Ontario!
In order to bring Fibre to the Home to communities, it is necessary to update facilities along municipal property in front of homes and business’.
Construction occurs in two main phases:
1. Mainline construction of conduit and fibre along the municipal right of ways.
2. For those that sign up for Wightman Fibre to the Home Internet, Digital TV and/or Phone services, a “drop” fibre will be constructed from the main line to the outside of your building/house.
Before, mainline construction activity, a survey team will be in your neighbourhood to identify the front corners of your lot with survey markers to ensure that mainline construction stays on municipal property. Please do not remove these markers.
All land clean-up that is required as a result of the construction will be completed promptly by professional teams.
If you have not already signed up for Fibre to the Home, please call us at 888-477-2177.